Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gas or Electric?

I hadn't even thought of the option of gas or electric stoves, I just assumed we would do electric. Most likely I will stick with electric just because that is what I have always had. I have had a few people try to convince me to go with gas, I mean it is what all of the professionals use and I am pretty close to being a professional especially when it comes to making Mac and Cheese out of the box! If you feel strongly either way let me hear it. I am guessing I am going to have to decide soon if I go with the gas so they can run a gas line over to it. And while I am on it, is there any reason to run a gas line into the laundry room for a dryer if we ever owned one? I know this is kind of boring stuff but it still has to be decided.


  1. I've only ever used an electric stove so I'm not much help there.
    The only reason to run gas to your laundry room is if you have a gas dryer. If you have an electric dryer, there is really no point to run gas to the laundry room.

  2. I want a gas stove. I have an electric, but used a gas stove when I lived in Ephraim, and I love going to my sisters to cook. I love how quickly temperature adjust. They are also really good for canning. That's just my thoughts.

  3. I love Gas! It heats more evenly and just plain cooks better. Also, it will help resale to have both gas and electric in the laundry room. Just to have the option.

  4. no idea. I would go with whatever is cheapest

  5. GAS!!! only if it's a good one.- just wanted to post a comment on your blog

  6. Paige- Could you invite me to your blog?

    I'd love to invite you to my blog, too. Email me your email. I hope to hear from you soon!
