Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Exterior Doors-Check

So this is my final decision. Do you like it? Okay just kidding, but I do really like it. Kind of a rustic country look. For those of you who keep calling me a redneck is this what you had in mind for me?

Taylor Lombardo Architects traditional exterior

I really love this one. I think it is absolutely beautiful with a totally different feel than the first one. Okay enough of the dreams. . .

New Entryway and Staircase traditional entry

This is very similar to what ours is going to be. Our transom, or top window, is going to be a rectangle not an arch and we are only going to be able to have a window on one side because we are short just a couple of inches. Plus we aren't going to have any grids in our windows, instead we are going to have blinds between the glass. So really it isn't that similiar! I decided to save the $400 dollars and go with steel doors in a style that looks like this.

I am excited to have all of the extra light and I hope I really love the built in blinds because that is where I decided to put the extra money! Right now I have no idea what color the door will end up. That part will come later.

Now for those of you who need or want to paint your front door and are thinking of adding a little color, maybe you should try this but in a nice shade of blue!

The Front Door eclectic entry

1 comment:

  1. I like it. I think you will love the transom and window with the blinds.

    Also, Matt is going out of town for the weekend. Do you think I should paint my door while he's gone. I think he'd love the angel print!
